
Filter Results

Select a source audio device to see which codecs it supports and check compatibility with other Bluetooth A2DP accessories

Displaying devices 11 - 20 of 137 in total
Name # of Supported Codecs Release Date ▲
Sony Xperia go 1 07/2012
Sony Xperia tipo 1 08/2012
Sony Xperia acro S 1 08/2012
Sony Xperia GX SO-04D 1 08/2012
Sony Xperia LT29i Hayabusa 1 08/2012
Sony Xperia SX SO-05D 1 09/2012
Sony Tablet P 1 09/2012
Sony Xperia acro HD SO-03D 1 09/2012
Sony Xperia miro 1 09/2012
Sony Xperia Tablet S 1 09/2012
